The Marine Protected Area (MPA) Isola di Bergeggi was established in 2007 and is the second smallest state marine park in Italy. The reasons for its creation are due to an extraordinary environment, both terrestrial and submerged. There are many conservation tools that insist on the territory of Bergeggi: on this handkerchief of Liguria the Regional Natural Reserve, 3 Sites of Community Importance (SIC) and the MPA blend harmoniously. The marine SIC is in the process of re-perimetering with a process that, to date, sees the proposal to double its surface area, in order to include within it, in addition to the Posidonia meadow and the marine caves, also the coralligenous which here reaches its maximum splendor with a forest of red, white and black corals. In marine parks, in Italy, it is allowed to do almost everything: there are some limitations regarding some activities identified as potentially dangerous; major limitations are given to recreational boating and fishing.
There are numerous excursions around the island and throughout the Gulf of the Island, to admire and discover breathtaking landscapes.
Canoe excursion times:
morning 09.30
afternoon 15.30
reservations required
Tel: 019/859777
duration approximately 2 hours
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