
The hinterland of Noli, Spotorno and Bergeggi is a stimulating research ground. Behind Bergeggi the landscape changes completely, and a small road leads to Vado Ligure with splendid views of the entire Ligurian coast. The large wound of a quarry has not completely ruined the beauty of the surrounding hills, including Monte Mao, which due to its particular exposure to the winds is the favorite place for launching with hang gliders and peragliders.

The hills that surround Spotorno are covered, to the west, by a thick pine forest, while everywhere you can see the typical Ligurian divisions of the land, with olive trees and rows of vines that dot the territory.
From here, as well as from Noli, it is possible to climb to the Mànie plateau, a territory that is not particularly large, but characterized by an environment whose “diversity” compared to the surrounding areas can be felt in every corner, at every bend in the road.
The peculiarity of this area begins from a physical and geological point of view, because it is affected by numerous karst phenomena, with suggestive caves, such as the Arma delle Mànie, where man also lived in prehistoric times (60 thousand years ago).

Faithful mirrors of this physical diversity are the flora and fauna, which have developed particular and exclusive species: the Campanula di Savona, the Tyrrhenian cornflower and the Finale dandelion, for example, are species that would be searched for in vain elsewhere.
Alongside these plants there are real living fossils both of the plant world (the hollyhock, the branco, the tangle of Capo di Noli) and in the animal world, especially in the caves: at the level of insects, annelids, crustaceans or molluscs there are over 100 cave species that have remained unchanged for millennia.

To best enjoy the extraordinary environment of the Mànie it is advisable to take a few trips, following the numerous paths that start at the edge of the road, also ideal for horse lovers. These excursions are possible all year round, thanks to the mild climate that also allows winter stays and that has contributed significantly to the tourist success of the locations.

– Alliri Andrea: 338 5091402
Email: info@geologiaspasso.com
Web: www.geologiaspasso.com

– Municipality of Bergeggi 019 25790218/212
Email: b.ambiente@comune.bergeggi.sv.it
Web: www.turismobergeggi.it

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