
The island of Bergeggi is part of the Bergeggi Regional Nature Reserve, it has a medium-high rocky coast, which rises above the sea up to 53 meters high. The natural environment includes fragments of Mediterranean scrub. On the rocks washed by the waves there are sea fennel and Riviera statice, as well as other species such as Campanula sabatia and Euphorbia dendroides.
The marine area surrounding the island, due to the characteristics of the seabed from a biological point of view, has been declared a Marine Protected Natural Area with the Ministerial Decree of 7 May 2007.
Despite being close to the coast, the island of Bergeggi is one of the most interesting points for diving that can be done there. The wall descends vertically to 7/8 meters deep: crossed by numerous cracks it offers shelter to Anemones, small crustaceans and Gastropods. A plateau of debris and small rocks follows where in spring it is common to encounter large Anglerfish. After passing some large rocks completely covered with Parazoanthus and colorful sponges we arrive at the deepest and most interesting point of the dive. The island is characterized by coral seabeds and with every dive you can admire nudibranchs and colorful sponges, sea daisies galore, schools of black and red damselfish in the deepest points, white breams, dentex, conger eels, octopuses and moray eels and sometimes, if you’re lucky, even some beautiful groupers. SPOTORNO
– Nereo Sub: 335 5493097
Email: ojegi@tin.it
– ASD Olimpia Sub: 019 746286
email: info@olimpiasub.com
– ASD Associazione Nautica Spotornese
Email: info@ans-spotorno.it
– ASD Water Boomerang
email: info@waterboomerang.it
– Beluga Diving
email: cmasmi@tiscalinet.it
– Savona Sub Center Diving
email: info@savonasubcenter.it
– ASD Triton Club: 342 1821639
email: info@tritonclub.it
– Punto Blu – Bergeggi Diving School: 019 859950 – 347 2717407
email: info@bergeggidiving.it
– Divenjoy: 393 3657323
email: info@divenjoy.it
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